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Botanical Name     Common Name

Matteuccia struthiopteris

ostrich fern
Large, lustrous, dark green fronds arch gracefully and give the tropical feel of a palm. Happiest in a cool moist site, it will tolerate more sun at the side of a stream or pond. Emerging fiddleheads are delectable sautéed in a bit of oil.
Matteuccia struthiopteris '' ostrich fern from North Creek Nurseries

Meehania cordata

Meehan's mint

Looking for a native substitute for Ajuga or Lamium? This could be it! Long, trailing stems run across the ground and root along the way. In late spring the green carpet gives way to hundreds of blue flowers opening to reveal spotted throats. Beautiful from a distance and under close scrutiny. Irresistible in a pot!

Meehania cordata '' Meehan's mint from North Creek Nurseries

Mertensia virginica

Virginia bluebells

You know spring has arrived when the pendulous, trumpet-shaped flowers of Mertensia return. Flower buds start off pink and slowly transition to a soft blue as flowers develop. Foliage is smooth, oval, and has an attractive bluish cast. Beautiful when used en masse and left undisturbed. The perfect spring ephemeral for the woodland garden, incorporate with native ferns and sedges. Summer dormant. Best for planting directly into the landscape, as they must root in to return to bloom the following year. These ephemerals are not ideal for finishing in a pot for spring sales.

Mertensia virginica '' Virginia bluebells from North Creek Nurseries

Monarda 'Gardenview Scarlet'


'Gardenview Scarlet' is one of the most mildew resistant Monarda varieties available. A classic variety that is well-earned, it's rose-red flowers sit on stems rising to 3' tall. Blooming from June to August, this long-flowering Monarda is beautiful, especially when massed in drifts to attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. 

Monarda 'Gardenview Scarlet' beebalm from North Creek Nurseries

Monarda 'Petite Delight'


Bred by Lynn Collicutt of the Morden Research Station in Morden, Manitoba. Lavender-pink flowers in July and August atop deep green, shiny and clean foliage. More compact than others in the species. Very low maintenance. Cherished by butterflies and hummingbirds, but disliked by deer. Also makes an excellent cut flower!

Monarda 'Petite Delight' beebalm from North Creek Nurseries

Monarda 'Raspberry Wine'


A White Flower Farm introduction. The buds really do resemble raspberries! Clear wine-red flowers from June through August. Very mildew resistant. Cherished by butterflies and hummingbirds, but loathed by deer. Also makes an excellent cut flower.

Monarda 'Raspberry Wine' beebalm from North Creek Nurseries

Monarda bradburiana

eastern beebalm

Tubular, two-lipped, pink to light lavender flowers carry a purple tracking and bloom from spring into summer. A member of the mint family, this native bee balm is very attractive to pollinators and occurs naturally in open and dry, rocky woods from Alabama to Texas, north to Iowa.

Monarda bradburiana '' eastern beebalm from North Creek Nurseries

Monarda didyma 'Jacob Cline'


Named for the son of Georgia plantsman and garden designer Jean Cline. This is the ticket as far as mildew resistant Monardas. Wonderfully aromatic foliage and stems with enormous red tubular flowers from June to August. A Saul Nursery introduction. Cherished by butterflies and hummingbirds. Also makes an excellent cut flower!

Monarda didyma 'Jacob Cline' beebalm from North Creek Nurseries

Monarda fistulosa

wild bergamot

Lovely lavender flowers top aromatic foliage. Easy to grow in a perennial border, wildflower garden or meadow. Wild bergamot is a great naturalizing wildflower and a magnet for butterflies and hummingbirds. Monarda fistulosa is more tolerant of drought and resistant to powdery mildew than M. didyma.

Monarda fistulosa '' wild bergamot from North Creek Nurseries

Monarda fistulosa 'Claire Grace'

wild bergamot
This great plant was named by Mike and Barbara Bridges, of Southern Perennials and Herbs, for their daughter. Soft lavender pin cushion-like flowers. Quite mildew resistant, with excellent, shiny foliage. Extremely showy. A must for the avid butterfly gardener!
Monarda fistulosa 'Claire Grace' wild bergamot from North Creek Nurseries

Monarda punctata

spotted beebalm

A valuable ecological species, Monarda punctata is the equivalent of a juice bar at the gym for nectar loving/needing insects! BONUS, it also resists all other kinds of mites that could impact the bees because it is incredibly high in thymol. If you are in the area where the endangered Karner Blue still resides, you will be helping restore them to safe status by planting a stand of Monarda punctata, as this is their food mothership.

Monarda punctata '' spotted beebalm from North Creek Nurseries

Muhlenbergia capillaris

hair-awn muhly

The very fine, blue foliage of Muhlenbergia capillaris provides color and texture to the garden, but in late summer or fall this native grass explodes into bloom with clouds of airy pink flowers that last for many weeks. Stunningly beautiful, even in heat, humidity or drought!

Muhlenbergia capillaris '' hair-awn muhly from North Creek Nurseries

Muhlenbergia reverchonii UNDAUNTED® 'PUND01S'

ruby muhly, seep muhly

Plant this muhlygrass for a show-stopping autumnal display! An aura of reddish mauve flower spikes bloom late summer into fall and will stop you in your tracksa performance that intensifies when backlit by the rising or setting autumn sun. Striking when planted en masse, or lovely as an accent mixed into a perennial border. The clouds of flowers dry after frost and persist to provide winter interest. This warm season grass’s fine-textured, soft green foliage forms a tidy, well-behaved mound. Heat and drought tolerant, long-lived and low maintenance.

Muhlenbergia reverchonii '' ruby muhly, seep muhly from North Creek Nurseries

Nepeta 'Early Bird'


The earliest blooming Nepeta we've had in our trials, with flowers starting in early April and lasting up to six weeks! Clean, aromatic foliage and a compact habit make it an excellent groundcover.

Nepeta 'Early Bird' catmint from North Creek Nurseries

Nepeta grandiflora 'Summer Magic' PP27090


A free-blooming Nepeta that lives up to its namesake—it is summer magic! Blooming all season long on upright stems that never flop, even in the worst of storms, this plant was on RHS Chelsea Flower show’s Short List in 2013. Great for layering in the garden, placed in a container, or along a flower border. We admire its ability to ‘keep it fresh’ even in the heat and humidity of summer as other Nepeta varieties tend to fade.

Nepeta grandiflora 'Summer Magic' catmint from North Creek Nurseries

Nepeta Junior Walker™ 'Novanepjun' PP23074


The non-reseeding progeny of 'Walker's Low'. This low-growing, compact catmint packs a punch of lavender-blue flowers from late spring through summer over aromatic blue-green foliage. Its tidy habit is ideal for mixed containers, the perennial border, and along paths and walkways. A Star Roses & Plants introduction.

Nepeta Junior Walker™ 'Novanepjun' catmint from North Creek Nurseries

Nepeta × faassenii 'Walker's Low'


Soft, fragrant, gray-green foliage with sprays of large, distinct bluish purple flowers from April to October. Compact, prolific and beautiful! Named for English garden Walker's Low.

Nepeta × faassenii 'Walker's Low' catmint from North Creek Nurseries

Oenothera fruticosa


A tough and reliable perennial, well-suited to hot dry sites. The stems of Oenothera fruticosa are thin, hairy, and reddish with similar leaves. The buds begin as red but open into beautiful bright yellow flowers in early summer. Easy, dependable, a strong grower that can spread a bit, particularly in sandy soils. Great color for a meadow! Native to dry soil, open fields, and open woods from Nova Scotia to Florida.

Oenothera fruticosa '' sundrops from North Creek Nurseries

Oenothera fruticosa 'Fireworks'

Confused for many years in the trade, we are proud to carry the true 'Fireworks'. Deep bronze foliage and red stems are contrasted by red buds opening to canary yellow blooms in June. The individual flowers may not last for more than a day or two, but they open in succession leaving the plant in continuous bloom. Burgundy rosettes in winter. More compact and darker than 'Summer Solstice'. The most popular cultivar of the Oenotheras!
Oenothera fruticosa 'Fireworks' sundrops from North Creek Nurseries

Oenothera speciosa

pink evening primrose

A vigorous, tough perennial that spreads readily to from dense mats of low-growing foliage. In late spring to summer, its covered with fragrant, pink to white blooms! Easy, dependable, a strong grower that can spread significantly, particularly in well-drained soils. Native to rocky prairies and plains, this plant spreads by seed and rhizome and is a great candidate for naturalizing an area.

Oenothera speciosa '' pink evening primrose from North Creek Nurseries

Onoclea sensibilis

sensitive fern
A freely running, deciduous fern with broad, deeply pinnatifid, smooth leaves. It spreads in moist soil and stays low to the ground, usually not more than 12-18", though heights of up to 3' are possible in ideal conditions. Very effective as a moist shade groundcover.
Onoclea sensibilis '' sensitive fern from North Creek Nurseries

Osmunda cinnamomea

cinnamon fern
Brilliant green lacy fronds gracefully arch outward in stately vase-shaped clumps. In early summer narrow fronds emerge as vertical spikes of cinnamon red brown in the center. Especially striking when planted in groups. Prefers a moist shady site, but tolerates more sun in cooler zones.
Osmunda cinnamomea '' cinnamon fern from North Creek Nurseries

Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis

royal fern
Royal fern is truly one of the most distinctive and spectacular bold-textured deciduous native ferns with its light green, leathery leaves and graceful architectural stature. With adequate moisture, royal fern can reach 6' tall and create a lush, tropical feel along a stream or beside a pond.
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis '' royal fern from North Creek Nurseries
Botanical Name     Common Name