Baptisia alba var. macrophyllawhite false indigo
A tall and lovely prairie native with long spikes of pure white flowers from May to Mid-June. Easy and long-lived, it is native from New York to Minnesota, Texas to Mississippi. [
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Baptisia australisblue false indigo
Blue spikes of pea-shaped flowers resemble the tall racemes of lupines in May and early June. A slow to mature, but very rewarding native garden perennial. Found in open woods, river banks and sandy floodplains, New York to Nebraska to Georgia.
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Baptisia sphaerocarpayellow wild indigo
A very sturdy, drought-resistant garden plant with striking spikes of pea flowers that range from butter yellow to gleaming gold.
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Boltonia asteroidesfalse chamomile, false aster
Zillions of lacy white daisies top long stems of fine-textured silver blue foliage in late summer and early fall. An undemanding native plant that is surprisingly tolerant of drought and flood.
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