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Andropogon virginicus (broomsedge)

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Technical sheet - Warm-season Grass
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Map Color Key © 2013 BONAP

Andropogon virginicus


An easy-to-grow, clump-forming, native warm season grass with incredible golden copper fall color. A pioneer soil stabilizing plant that does well in poor, infertile areas and surprisingly well in floodplains. It's wonderful for xeriscaping and restoration projects, or in coastal areas. The attractive fall and winter stems make a unique addition to cut flower arrangements!

Andropogon virginicus LP50 - 50 per flat Availability
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2-3 Feet


1-2 Feet


18 Inches

Bloom Color


USDA Hardiness Zone 5-8

broomsedge Interesting Notes

Andropogon virginicus is a clump-forming, warm season grass with incredible golden copper fall color. Its straw-like foliage persists throughout the winter in our region, providing interest even against a snowy backdrop. It has a fibrous root system and reproduces mainly from wind-pollinated seed.

Found in a variety of open habitats in eastern North America including prairies, pasturelands and even open woodlands. It is often a pioneer plant in disturbed sites.

While we've seen this incredible plant thrive in poor, xeric soils of meadows, stormwater systems with engineered sand-based soils, and roadside plantings exposed to salt runoff - it also tolerates more mesic conditions in our trial gardens. This is a great plant to consider for tough xeric, full sun sites such as meadows, restoration projects, or coastal plantings. Because Andropogon virginicus reseeds, it can maintain its place in landscapes that are prone to disturbance or other challenging conditions.

A range of native insects feed on Andropogon virginicus foliage, including Skipper larvae, leafhoppers and leaf beetles. Its persistent foliage lasts through the winter which provides shelter and nesting habitat for birds who also eat its seed.

Andropogon virginicus Growing and Maintenance Tips

Propagate by seed or divide clumps every few years. Cut stems down to the ground in late winter (February or March) before new growth occurs.

Key Characteristics & Attributes

Full Sun
Full Sun
Deer Resistant
Deer Resistant
Salt Tolerance
Salt Tolerance
Drought Tolerant
Drought Tolerant

Additional Information

Soil Moisture Needs
Green Infrastructure
Erosion Control
Green Roof
Wetland Indicator Status
Falcutative Upland (FACU)
Plug Type
Landscape Plug™
Native to North America
Propagation Type
Open pollinated
Grass Type
Warm Season