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Landscape Plugs™

Our best low-maintenance native perennials and grasses are available in plugs designed to be planted directly in the ground. We offer a wide selection of Eastern US natives and their cultivars selected for beauty and durability. Two sizes are available for direct planting, LP50 and LP32. LP50 items are generally forb and grass species with taproots or deep fibrous root systems. Our LP50 plugs are 5.00" deep by 2.00" square and come 50 to a standard nursery liner. The LP32 plant palette contains species with lateral root systems and are generally more fibrous and shallowly rooted species. Our LP32 plugs are 4.00" deep by 2.22" square and come 32 per to a standard nursery liner. Landscape Plugs™ offer an exciting alternative for quick establishment of plants in landscapes and containers.

Plant Selection
We are very selective in our choices for the Landscape Plugs™ program so that your planting gets off to a great start. All plants in our plug program are native to the midatlantic states, well suited to this climate and tolerant of drought and extreme temperature fluctuations. Robust root systems make for quick establishment and less initial watering. Plants purchased in spring are vernalized and ready to grow.

Why Use Landscape Plugs™?

  • Plants usually reach flowering size in first season and have a high transplant success rate.
  • Quicker and more reliable than seed, with erosion control starting in weeks rather than months.
  • LP50 plugs have deep (5") roots that establish quickly.
  • Compact size is easy to transport - a real cost saver.
  • Plants are chosen for wide adaptability and ease of transplanting and establishment.
  • Excellent choices for wildlife habitat development, providing food & shelter for many species.
  • Plugs come in flats made of 100% recycled plastic and are #6 recyclable.

Many thanks to the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) for the use of their North American Plant Atlas species distribution maps, which can be found on each native Landscape Plug™ species page. Click the map image to enlarge and view the plant's distribution status by county via link to the BONAP site. All map images are courtesy: Kartesz, J.T., The Biota of North America Program (BONAP). 2013. Taxonomic Data Center. ( Chapel Hill, N.C. [maps generated from Kartesz, J.T. 2013. Floristic Synthesis of North America, Version 1.0. Biota of North America Program (BONAP). (in press)] 

Botanical Name     Common Name

Ratibida pinnata

prairie coneflower

Brown cones with reflexed yellow ray petals adorn this midwestern prairie native in midsummer. Emits a soft fragrance of anise when seeds are crushed. Long-lived and very easy to grow in most situations. Great for attracting birds and butterflies! Combines well with meadow grasses and flowers. Makes a wonderful cut flower, too!

Ratibida pinnata '' prairie coneflower from North Creek Nurseries

Rudbeckia 'American Gold Rush' PP28498

orange coneflower

A new introduction from Brent Horvath of Intrinsic Perennials, this Rudbeckia is covered in blooms! A domed and shorter orange coneflower, it is perfect planted in masses or in the perennial border, hiding spent blooms to provide uniform color as it blooms for weeks on end. Due to its thinner, hairier leaves, it is found to be resistant to septoria leaf spot.

Rudbeckia 'American Gold Rush' orange coneflower from North Creek Nurseries

Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm'

orange coneflower

A garden classic with bold texture and upright habit. Bright gold petals with a deep brown cone highlight the garden in late summer. Each flower may last up to two weeks! Makes a wonderful and long lasting cut flower. Provides seeds in the winter for birds and nectar for butterflies. Beautiful and versatile, outstanding in mass plantings as well as perennial borders, meadows and prairie gardens.

Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm' orange coneflower from North Creek Nurseries

Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii

Deam's coneflower

While there may be a bounty of black-eyed susan on the market, what makes Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii a dream is its ability to wrap strength, beauty, disease and pest resistance all into one neat package. This variety won the prestigious Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society in 1993 and if you grow it, you'll soon understand why!

Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii '' Deam's coneflower from North Creek Nurseries

Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida

Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida

orange coneflower

Shiny, deep green foliage. Smaller and finer than Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' with 10 weeks of flowers from July into October. Six weeks after 'Goldsturm' is brown, this plant is at its peak! Excellent cut flower. Provides late summer nectar for butterflies and seeds in the winter for birds. Beautiful and versatile!

Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida '' orange coneflower from North Creek Nurseries

Rudbeckia laciniata

cutleaf coneflower

This coneflower is a tall, erect and stately native with yellow ray petals accented by a green center held by coarse, hairy stems. Blooms in August and September. Excellent cut flower and butterfly magnet. R. laciniata can be found blooming in moist meadows, grassy roadsides and flood plains from Quebec to Montana south to Arizona and Florida.

Rudbeckia laciniata '' cutleaf coneflower from North Creek Nurseries

Rudbeckia laciniata 'Autumn Sun'

cutleaf coneflower

This long-blooming butterfly (especially monarch) magnet has large, glossy, deep green, deeply cut leaves along the stems and loose clusters of clear yellow ray flowers with large green cones that darken with age. Blooms for 8+ weeks in mid to late summer. Very cold hardy.

Rudbeckia laciniata 'Autumn Sun' cutleaf coneflower from North Creek Nurseries

Rudbeckia maxima

great coneflower

Huge powder-blue leaves make up 2' to 3' of basal foliage that is effective all during the growing season. In June and July, towering flower spikes explode with large, deep gold, drooping ray flowers with a black center. A must-have for the butterfly and bird lover! Reliable and deer proof.

Rudbeckia maxima '' great coneflower from North Creek Nurseries

Rudbeckia subtomentosa 'Henry Eilers'

sweet coneflower

Our friend Larry Lowman of Ridgecrest Nursery in Wynne, Arkansas graciously gave us this marvelous plant. It was collected from a railroad prairie remnant in southern Illinois and named for the man who found it, Henry Eilers, a horticulturist and retired nurseryman. Basal leaves appear in early spring and flowering stalks begin their ascent in June, reaching five to six feet and full flower by August, often staying in bloom into September. 'Henry Eilers' has finely quilled flowers of true yellow, not gold, and is stunning in a mass planting. It has captivated many visitors who have seen it here and motivated them to ask us to grow it. The leaves of Rudbeckia subtomentosa are sweetly scented with a subtle vanilla fragrance. It is lovely with Joe-Pyes and grasses, and it blooms with the Hibiscus hybrids and makes a great companion for them as well. 'Henry Eilers' has undeniable potential as a cut flower with its unique appearance, sturdy straight stems and long vase life.

Rudbeckia subtomentosa 'Henry Eilers' sweet coneflower from North Creek Nurseries

Rudbeckia triloba

Rudbeckia triloba

three-lobed coneflower

Hundreds of small, deep gold flowers bloom July through October! A naturalizing self seeder. Biennial or short-lived perennial. Georgia Gold Medal Winner in 1997. Three-lobed coneflower is very drought, heat and pest tolerant. Prized by butterfly and hummingbird gardeners.

Rudbeckia triloba '' three-lobed coneflower from North Creek Nurseries

Ruellia humilis

wild petunia

A drought-tolerant prairie native with delightful lavender-blue petunia-like flowers that bloom from summer to fall. Compact (great in pots!) and very easy to grow. Seeds in well. Great choice for a height-restricted meadow. Found in dry open woods and prairies Pennsylvania to Indiana, south to Alabama.

Ruellia humilis '' wild petunia from North Creek Nurseries