This is an easy, carefree geranium; a strong grower with a sprawling habit like 'Dilys'. The finely cut foliage is accented by large (for a geranium) blue-purple flowers with pale blue eyes which cover the plant from early summer to frost. 'Rozanne' was discovered by Donald and Rozanne Waterer of England as a naturally occuring hybrid of Geranium himalayense and Geranium wallichianum 'Buxton's Variety'.
SIZE | |
Geranium 'Rozanne' PP12175 - 50 per flat | Availability |
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Height15-18 Inches |
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Spread15-20 Inches |
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Spacing12-18 Inches |
Bloom ColorPink |
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USDA Hardiness Zone 5-8 |
The best, most garden-worthy hardy Geranium you can grow. Large 2.5" (6cm) saucer-shaped flowers just never quit. Violet-blue blooms with white centers flower profusely from late spring through November, or until frost. Vernalization not required for flowering. Unlike many Geraniums, 'Rozanne' has great heat tolerance, too! Mounded, slightly marbled, deep green foliage becomes reddish brown in fall for added interest. Internationally recognized through being selected as 2008 Perennial Plant of the Year in North America, receiving the RHS Award of Garden Merit (UK) and winning the people's vote to become RHS Chelsea Flower Show Plant of the Centenary. - Must Have Perennials™
Geranium 'Rozanne' (Rozanne© Gerwat) is a true gardeners’ plant in every way, having started life in the garden of Donald and Rozanne Waterer in the sleepy village of Kilve, Somerset (England). The retired couple were both keen gardeners, with Donald having previously been involved in a family nursery.
Around 1989, while lovingly tending their own private garden, Donald and Rozanne Waterer noticed a Geranium seedling that was growing much stronger than the others in the garden and had larger leaves. When it bloomed, its flowers had a similar look to those of Geranium ‘Buxton’s Variety’ but were twice as large. It seemed that a super-Geranium had emerged! - Must Have Perennials™
PPA Perennial Plant of the Year® 2008
RHS Award of Garden Merit 2006
Chicago Botanic Garden 15-year perennial trial – Top Pick
University of Georgia, Georgia Gold Medal Winner 2008
RHS Chelsea Flower Show Plant of the Centenary
Geranium is derived from the Greek geranós, meaning crane. The common name, cranesbill, derives from the shape of the fruit capsule that appears in some of the species.
Prefers average, well-drained soils. Moist, organic soils will promote spread. Tolerates summer heat better when given ample moisture and partial shade. Plants can be sheared to 3" (8 cm) to rejuvenate. Rarely needs division. Place in front of beds or borders. A good groundcover. Virtually disease and pest free!
Soil Moisture Needs
Plug Type
Season of Interest (Flowering)
Propagation Type