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Chrysogonum virginianum 'Allen Bush' (green and gold)

Chrysogonum virginianum 'Allen Bush'

green and gold

A native groundcover, this plant is known for both its foliage and flowers with toothed, light green, triangular leaves and dark yellow, slightly notched, star shaped flowers that bloom well above the foliage and have contrasting brown stamens. The flowers bloom abundantly in the spring and fall, but tend to die down in the heat of the summer except in the cooler zones.

Chrysogonum 'Allen Bush' - 50 per flat Availability
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8 Inches


12 Inches


12 Inches

Bloom Color


USDA Hardiness Zone 5-9

green and gold Interesting Notes

Chyrsogonum virginianum runs through native woodland areas in the eastern United States. Preferring light filtered shade to dense shade, it grows in a wide variety of soil types. The subspecies, var. australe, is different from the straight species by its more prostrate form, shorter flower stems, and the tendency to spread by aboveground stolon, much like a strawberry. Plant is susceptible to mildew in situations with poor drainage and too much mulch limiting air flow around the leaves.

The carefree nature of goldstar makes it a wonderful addition to a woodland garden. Over the years, it’ll ramble along the edges of garden paths and borders, easily divided and spread, suppressing weeds and providing cheer in spring. Resistant to deer and other mammals, Chrysogonum provides an early season nectar source to pollinators.

Chrysogonum virginianum 'Allen Bush' Growing and Maintenance Tips

Tolerant of almost all sun conditions as long as the soil is kept moist and well drained. Golden star blooms best in cooler situations, and so is perfect for a shade garden in hotter zones (Zone 7 and above) and is tolerant of more sun in the cooler zones. To propogate, the plant is easily divided by its clumps. 

Good Substitutions

green and gold Chrysogonum virginianum 'Superstar'
green and gold Chrysogonum virginianum var. australe

Key Characteristics & Attributes

Full Shade
Full Shade
Part Sun
Part Sun
Early Spring
Early Spring

Additional Information

Soil Moisture Needs
Green Infrastructure
Plug Type
Horticultural Plug
Native to North America
Season of Interest (Flowering)
Late Spring / Early Summer
Propagation Type