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Carex 'Silver Sceptre'
Carex 'Silver Sceptre'
Common Name: Japanese sedge

This beautiful selection has narrow (1/4") leaves with white margins, giving it a very fine texture overall. Rhizomatous, forming thick silvery clumps. A bright addition to the shade palette!

Height: 12 Inches
Spread: 12-18 Inches
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-9

Eupatorium maculatum
Eupatorium maculatum
Common Name: spotted Joe Pye weed

Spotted Joe Pye weed grows 4-7 feet tall with mauve-pink flowers blooming in late summer to early fall. A native perennial, Eupatorium maculatum attracts swallowtail butterflies and lives happily in sunny, wet soils. 

Height: 4-7 Feet
Spread: 3-4 Feet
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-8

Oenothera fruticosa
Oenothera fruticosa
Common Name: sundrops

A tough and reliable perennial, well-suited to hot dry sites. The stems of Oenothera fruticosa are thin, hairy, and reddish with similar leaves. The buds begin as red but open into beautiful bright yellow flowers in early summer. Easy, dependable, a strong grower that can spread a bit, particularly in sandy soils. Great color for a meadow! Native to dry soil, open fields, and open woods from Nova Scotia to Florida.

Height: 15-24 Inches
Spread: 3 Feet
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9

Schizachyrium littorale
Schizachyrium littorale
Common Name: coastal little bluestem

An underused but widely requested native warm-season grass, Schizachyrium littorale is a bushier version of the popular little bluestem, growing 2' tall. What makes it notable are the seedheads, which are featherier and stay on the stem well into the winter. We predict this dune bluestem to become a popular favorite in everything from dune restoration projects to coastal landscaping to low-maintenance high-exposure urban sites. 

Height: 1-2 Feet
Spread: 1-2 Feet
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-10