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Heuchera 'Green Spice'
Heuchera 'Green Spice'
Common Name: alumroot, coral bells

Heuchera 'Green Spice' spices up the shade garden! With dark red venation in spring transitioning to cool greens and silver in the summer, it wraps up its foliage show with oranges and rust colors in fall! This groundcover is a perfect way to brighten up dull spots, to edge along a garden path, or to intermingle with other interesting textures to liven things up. 

Height: 16-30 Inches
Spread: 12-18 Inches
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9

Monarda fistulosa
Monarda fistulosa
Common Name: wild bergamot

Lovely lavender flowers top aromatic foliage. Easy to grow in a perennial border, wildflower garden or meadow. Wild bergamot is a great naturalizing wildflower and a magnet for butterflies and hummingbirds. Monarda fistulosa is more tolerant of drought and resistant to powdery mildew than M. didyma.

Height: 2-5 Feet
Spread: 3 Feet
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-8