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Carex plantaginea
Carex plantaginea
Common Name: seersucker sedge
Shiny deep green leaves are unusually broad (to 1 1/8") and puckered like Christmas ribbon. An excellent, mostly evergreen (the basal foliage overwinters) groundcover for average to moist shade, provides unique texture. Flowers occur in early to mid-spring, thin and black-tipped, not especially showy. Found in moist woods from Canada to Alabama.
Height: 8-10 Inches
Spread: 10-12 Inches
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-8

Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan'
Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan'
Common Name: purple coneflower

'White Swan' is not as cold hardy or vigorous as its common purple relative, but it makes up for this with its unique, beautiful, pure white flowers. A tall plant with large, dark green leaves and a large, 3-4" flower with white, broad, silky petals that surround a dark brown/bronze cone. Plants are tough and heat and drought tolerant once established. Their roots have famous medicinal qualities, they make great, long lasting, cut flowers and attract numerous butterflies and small birds.

Height: 2-3 Feet
Spread: 12-18 Inches
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-8