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Eupatorium 'Phantom'
Eupatorium 'Phantom'
Common Name: Joe Pye weed

This short and sweet dwarf variety is fantastic for use in perennial borders, rain gardens and mixed containers with its shorter stature and upright habit. Attractive, dome-shaped clusters of tiny, rosy-purple blooms are a favorite of butterflies and gardeners alike, lasting from mid-summer through fall before turning into tufts of fuzzy seed heads with late autumn interest. A clump-forming perennial with whorls of coarse green leaves on sturdy stems.

Height: 2-4 ft
Spread: 2-4 Feet
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-8

Verbena 'Homestead Purple'
Verbena 'Homestead Purple'
Common Name: verbena

Named by Dr. Alan Armitage, of the University of Georgia. Vigorously spreading, deep purple clusters from June to November. Excellent clean, deep green foliage with a trailing habit. Has been surviving the winter here lately, but it gets a very slow start in the spring. Best treated as an annual zone 6 or less.

Height: 10-12 Inches
Spread: 18 Inches
USDA Hardiness Zone: 7-10