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Helianthus salicifolius 'First Light'
Helianthus salicifolius 'First Light'
Common Name: willowleaf sunflower

An explosion of golden yellow flowers combined with a manageable height makes this a superior selection. Despite its name, this plant can be found literally blanketed in flowers in the late summer and into the fall when most other Helianthus are past. Flowers form on upright, self-supporting stems but instead of the typical tall sunflower, Helianthus 'First Light' forms a nice, compact clump of fuzzy, linear leaves topping out just above 3 feet.

Height: 3-4 Feet
Spread: 2-3 Feet
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-9

Oenothera fruticosa
Oenothera fruticosa
Common Name: sundrops

A tough and reliable perennial, well-suited to hot dry sites. The stems of Oenothera fruticosa are thin, hairy, and reddish with similar leaves. The buds begin as red but open into beautiful bright yellow flowers in early summer. Easy, dependable, a strong grower that can spread a bit, particularly in sandy soils. Great color for a meadow! Native to dry soil, open fields, and open woods from Nova Scotia to Florida.

Height: 15-24 Inches
Spread: 3 Feet
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9