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Aquilegia canadensis
Aquilegia canadensis
Common Name: wild columbine

Red flowers with yellow centers hang like drifts of softly illuminated lanterns in April and May. Excellent as a shady rock garden naturalizer, it also is quite content in average garden conditions. Occurs naturally in rich rocky woods, north-facing slopes, cliffs, ledges, pastures, and roadside banks. Native to all states east of the Rockies, but not found in Louisiana.

Height: 1-3 Feet
Spread: 1 Feet
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-8

Porteranthus trifoliatus 'Pink Profusion'
Porteranthus trifoliatus 'Pink Profusion'
Common Name: Bowman's root

We've been enjoying this great native for many years in our garden, since it was given to us by the Mt. Cuba Center in 2001. 'Pink Profusion' has clear pink flowers that are held daintily above reddish leaves on deep red stems. The best part is the way the flowers shimmer in a light breeze, as though they will take flight at any moment.

Height: 24-30 Inches
Spread: 24-30 Inches
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-8