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Athyrium × 'Ghost'
Athyrium × 'Ghost'
Common Name: lady fern

From the garden of Virginia's Nancy Swell comes this stunning lady fern with silver-white fronds and a decidedly upright habit. Leaves age to light green with new fronds appearing throughout the season. Upright with a beautiful formal appearance that really stands out in the shady garden. This fern really prefers shade and will stand up with all fronds perpendicular to the ground in full sun.

Height: 18-24 Inches
Spread: 12-18 Inches
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-8

Monarda didyma 'Jacob Cline'
Monarda didyma 'Jacob Cline'
Common Name: beebalm

Named for the son of Georgia plantsman and garden designer Jean Cline. This is the ticket as far as mildew resistant Monardas. Wonderfully aromatic foliage and stems with enormous red tubular flowers from June to August. A Saul Nursery introduction. Cherished by butterflies and hummingbirds. Also makes an excellent cut flower!

Height: 3-5 Feet
Spread: 2 Feet
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-8