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My North Creek Nurseries Wish List

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Meehania cordata
Meehania cordata
Common Name: Meehan's mint

Looking for a native substitute for Ajuga or Lamium? This could be it! Long, trailing stems run across the ground and root along the way. In late spring the green carpet gives way to hundreds of blue flowers opening to reveal spotted throats. Beautiful from a distance and under close scrutiny. Irresistible in a pot!

Height: 6-10 Inches
Spread: 12-15 Inches
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-8

Polemonium reptans 'Stairway to Heaven'
Polemonium reptans 'Stairway to Heaven'
Common Name: Greek valerian

This excellent variegated selection of P. reptans was selected by Bill Cullina of The New England Wild Flower Society. A good plant for shade or a sunny edge (with adequate moisture). Imagine, a variegated Polemonium that actually lives! This native groundcover is very popular, and its royalties benefit the Garden in the Woods and their plant and habitat conservation.

Height: 15-18 Inches
Spread: 12 Inches
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-8