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Anemone sylvestris
Anemone sylvestris
Common Name: snowdrop windflower

Delicate, nodding white flowers bloom early to mid spring atop lustrous dense, green foliage. A low maintenance groundcover for bright shade! Easy to grow in containers, overwinters well in cold frames if protected from heavy rain and snow melt.

Height: 12-18 Inches
Spread: 12 Inches
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-8

Kalimeris integrifolia 'Daisy Mae'
Kalimeris integrifolia 'Daisy Mae'
Common Name: Japanese aster

Perhaps this should win the prize for easiest plant to grow. It loves heat and humidity and breezes through a drought like a champ. Single, one inch, white daisy-like flowers on a compact mound of green all summer. Very unusual and attractive. Great in the landscape and in containers. Essential for the butterfly gardener!

Height: 2 Feet
Spread: 2 Feet
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-9