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Amsonia hubrichtii
Amsonia hubrichtii
Common Name: threadleaf bluestar

A graceful and long-lived native plant with very fine foliage, clusters of steel blue flowers in May and June on an upright, bushy plant. Excellent golden fall color. Thrives in full sun or part shade. No insect or pest problems. Found in Arkansas in 1942 by Leslie Hubricht.

Height: 3 Feet
Spread: 2-3 Feet
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9

Rudbeckia laciniata 'Autumn Sun'
Rudbeckia laciniata 'Autumn Sun'
Common Name: cutleaf coneflower

This long-blooming butterfly (especially monarch) magnet has large, glossy, deep green, deeply cut leaves along the stems and loose clusters of clear yellow ray flowers with large green cones that darken with age. Blooms for 8+ weeks in mid to late summer. Very cold hardy.

Height: 5-6 Feet
Spread: 3-4 Feet
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-9