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Anemone × hybrida Wild Swan™ 'MACANE001' (anemone)

Anemone × hybrida Wild Swan™ 'MACANE001' PP23132


Exceptionally long flowering season
Large white flowers with distinctive bluish-violet banding on the backsides of the sepals
Upright, vigorous and free flowering habit
A chance seedling in a group of Anemone rupicola seedlings

Anemone × hybrida Wild Swan™ 'MACANE001' is a long-blooming, compact, floriferous new anemone with lovely lavender coloration on the reverse side of the petals. Wild Swan begins flowering an average of two months earlier than other varieties and keeps on trucking until the end of the season. Flowers are held high and proud, allowing them to catch gently on the breeze. A graceful beaut to be sure! 

Anemone x hybrida Wild Swan PP23132 - 50 per flat Availability
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18 Inches


18-24 Inches


18 Inches

Bloom Color


USDA Hardiness Zone 5-8

anemone Interesting Notes

Plants of the new cultivar 'MACANE001' are similar to the known commercial variety, Anemone hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' in some horticultural characteristics. However, plants of 'MACANE001' differ in that they are shorter and more floriferous. Additionally, the new variety produces flowers with more distinct coloration on the petal reverse. The flowering season for 'MACANE001' begins at least 2 months earlier than 'Honorine Jobert'. 

Plants of the new cultivar 'MACANE001' are similar to the known commercial variety, Anemone multifida 'Annabella White' in some horticultural characteristics. However, plants of 'MACANE001' differ in that they are taller, more vigorous, and more floriferous. Additionally, the new variety produces larger flowers, with more distinct coloration on the petal reverse. The flowering season for 'MACANE001' begins at least 1 month earlier than 'Annabelle White'.-United States Patent & Trademark Office

Anemone × hybrida Wild Swan™ 'MACANE001' Growing and Maintenance Tips

"Morning sun and filtered afternoon light combined with a fertile, moist, humus rich soil is the best environment. Japanese anemone does poorly in summer drought, exposed and windy sites, and wet winter soils. If the first conditions are fulfilled the spread of Japanese anemone is reasonably fast. A winter mulch is beneficial in northern climates. Propagate by division in spring or root cuttings."-Steven Still, Manual of Herbaceous Ornamental Plants

Good Substitutions

snowdrop windflower Anemone sylvestris
anemone Anemone Fantasy™ 'Pocahontas'
Japanese windflower Anemone × hybrida 'Honorine Jobert'

Key Characteristics & Attributes

Full Sun
Full Sun
Part Sun
Part Sun
Cut Flower
Cut Flower

Additional Information

Soil Moisture Needs
Plug Type
Horticultural Plug
Season of Interest (Flowering)
Late Summer
Propagation Type
Tissue culture